We’re Back
Hey, everyone.
Roger here.
I’ve got some good news! After a little over a year without updates, I’m going to be resuming my research and log entries on a regular basis here at Speculative Identities.
And that’s not all.
We’ve got a new logotype to pair with the Speculative Identities mark! You may have already noticed that here on the site. It will also live on merch and promotional items I’m working on. So if you want to spread the word and show your support for the work we’re doing, you’ll be finding Speculative Identities items in the shop on my personal website soon.

I’ve also created a Patreon creator account, with a tier devoted to Speculative Identities, where as a supporter you’ll get behind the scenes updates, mailings, discounts on whatever merch I make available, and an opportunity to join in conversations with me and other patrons around the research. You can learn more about that at the following link.
Visit Roger Strunk’s Patreon Creator Page

Beyond all the scifi logos I’d like to document, there’s more that I had planned for Speculative Identities, so it’s my hope that going forward I’ll be able to make this something that is sustainable over the long haul. If you’re able to help in any way, know that it is greatly appreciated by Rich and I. Having people spread the word about the site and knowing there’s an audience for what we do here is a big motivator, and with enough Patreon support I can afford to reserve more time for content creation, that I would normally have to devote to client work.
I’d also like to say thanks again to everyone that has contacted me with tips and support over the last year. Based on some of those messages, I definitely have a few updates to make to existing research, that I’ll be sure to note here in the Log.
Watch this space for more soon.