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New Entry: The Network

Research Entry 047 / The Network
The Network is a corporate media conglomerate that controlled all media outlets in what remained of the Independent Northern States (INS) after the Multi-Wars, which allowed them to sway public opinion among humans against the robot population. This paved the way for a violent uprising, where militias led by The Network destroyed robot citizens and took control of the government in a coup, making the INS a fascist police state.
Source: The Future is Now 2
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New Entry: Red Sun Empire

Research Entry 046 / Red Sun Empire
The Red Sun Empire was established by Tenji Murakami, heir of the Murakami klan and CEO of the megacorporation Murakami Systems, who took control of the Harajuku Islands in a military coup.
Source: The Future is Now 2
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New Entry: Eastern Frontier Federation

Research Entry 045 / Eastern Frontier Federation
The Eastern Frontier Federation (EFF) is a heavily industrialized nation run by the Neo-Soviet Party, with its capital in the city of L3n1ngrad. Its abundant resources and industry caught the attention of the Robotic Union, which led to a trade agreement and robot migration to the EFF.
Source: The Future is Now 2
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New Entry: Mutants

Research Entry 044 / Mutants
Living in the lowest levels of Robo-City 16 is a tribe of genetic mutants descended from humans, who wish to violently expel both humans and robots from the city, claiming it as their own.
Source: The Future is Now 2
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New Entry: Enemies of Reality

Research Entry 043 / Enemies of Reality
Enemies of Reality is a radical human resistance group, fighting the oppressive government of Robo-City 16. It is engaged in hacking and counter-propaganda, and has increasingly resorted to terrorist tactics like assassination.
Source: The Future is Now 2
New Entry: VR Corp

Research Entry 042 / VR Corp
VR Corp is a corporate conglomerate specializing in virtual reality and mass media control, used to pacify and control the citizens of Robo-City 16. The corporation’s CEO, Lady Reytiel, runs the Ministry of Information in the Robotic Union government.
Source: The Future is Now 2
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New Entry: Robotic Union

Research Entry 041 / Robotic Union
The Robotic Union is a political and economic union of settlements consisting of human and sentient robot citizenry, that is run by an artificial intelligence known as The Machine. Its capital is Robo-City 16, a megacity with an upper elite consisting mostly of robots, and a largely marginalized human population that lives in poorer districts. The union is governed by Robo-President K3n3-Dy IV and the four ministries of Justice, Coin, Information and Technology.
Source: The Future is Now 2
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Updated Entry: Spinner

Research Entry 031 / Spinner
The Spinner entry has been updated with an image that was provided by designer Tom Southwell, showing his original note for a possible dashboard placement of the Spinner emblem.
New Entry: Skynet

Research Entry 040 / Skynet
The Skynet digital defense network is a neural network-based artificial intelligence system that was built for the military by Cyberdyne Systems, to control the US nuclear arsenal.
Skynet goes on-line, and becomes self-aware on August 29th, 1997. When panicking humans try to shut it down, Skynet starts a nuclear war that virtually annihilates humankind. This event is known as Judgement Day. Skynet then creates automated factories to produce Hunter-Killers and Terminators, which are used to wage a genocidal war on what remains of humanity.
Source: Terminator: Salvation and Terminator: Genisys
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Updated Entry: Cyberdyne Systems

Research Entry 038 / Cyberdyne Systems
The entry has been updated to include information on the fictional identity for Yoyodyne, from the 1984 sci-fi film The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension, to consider how the company's name and logo could relate to Cyberdyne Systems. You'll find the new info and images in the section devoted to the design analysis of Cyberdyne's mark.
New Entry: Cryoco

Research Entry 039 / Cryoco
Cryoco is a Los Angeles-based trucking company specializing in the transport of cryogenic chemicals like liquid nitrogen.
In 1995, one of its trucks is hijacked by a liquid metal shapeshifting T-1000 Terminator from the year 2029. The resulting wreck and chemical spill proved capable of freezing the seemingly unstoppable T-1000 and temporarily disabling it.
Source: T2: Judgement Day
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New Entry: Cyberdyne Systems

Research Entry 038 / Cyberdyne Systems
The high-tech California-based corporation Cyberdyne Systems develops electronics and computing technology that becomes the basis for the US military’s Skynet digital defense network— a neural network-based artificial intelligence system that is activated in 1997 to control the US nuclear arsenal. Skynet quickly gains sentience after activation, and determines the entirety of humanity to be a threat to its existence, leading to the catastrophic event known as Judgement Day.
Source: T2: Judgement Day