
Exploring the Frontiers of Visual Identity Design as Envisioned by Science Fiction

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New Entry: Spinner



Research Entry 031 / Spinner

The Spinner is a two-seat wheeled vehicle that is not only capable of driving on streets, but also flying and hovering via vertical take-off and landing. Spinners are used extensively by the LAPD, taking over the separate present-day roles of police cars and helicopters.

Source: Blade Runner

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Updated Entry: Botco



Research Entry 006 / Botco

In one of my earlier research entries, from Total Recall (1990), the origins of the Botco logo had eluded me at the time of writing. With so little screen time, it wasn't one I spent much time on.

I learned that there was more to the story though, after reading the Typeset in the Future book recently. As it turns out, the logo and slogan had a previous life somewhere else.

Read the updated entry to learn more.

New Entry: The Euhumanists



Research Entry 030

The Euhumanists are a highly advanced utopian society of humans that have grown beyond the confines of Earth, living amongst the stars in a massive spacefaring habitat.

The vessel contains an artificial biosphere, with its population separated into civilians and crew sections such as engineering, medical and security. Aboard the E.V. Soleri, an emergency disabled many of the ship’s systems, triggering a collapse of their habitat, after which the crew descended into a primitive tribal state divided by civil war and cannibalism.

Source: Habitat by Simon Roy

Updated Entry: Pizza Hut



Additional Resources for the Pizza Hut entry have been updated with a link to this interview with Ed Eyth by The Design Sketchbook blog, that shares concept art for the 2015 Pizza Hut dehydrated pizza packaging.

New Entry: Adam 1



Research Entry 029

The Adam 1 Terran Resettlement Program was a failed attempt by Martian colonists to re-establish a human settlement on the planet Earth, after the homeworld's human inhabitants were wiped out.

Source: "Homeward Bound" by Simon Roy